ICFM 2021 : The 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials
Cavtat, Croatia, June 17-21, 2021
Aims and Scope
With success of the International Conference on Functional Materials (ICFM) held at Tohoku University, Japan in 2019, the 2nd ICFM will be held in Cavtat, Croatia, from June 17-21, 2021. The 2nd ICFM provides the best platform for scientists and engineers to present and share their achievements on recent advances in functional materials. This conference will also provide golden opportunities for the delegates to exchange their ideas, and to establish research collaborations as well as to find global partners for future collaborations. We hope that the conference results will lead to significant contributions to the core technology knowledge exchanges in these up-to-date scientific fields.
We cordially invite you to participate to exchange in ICFM.
The health and safety of all participants is our top priority. The organizing committee will focus on current COVID-19 situation and change the conference to virtual one if the environment is not good enough for our participant to share ideas. Authors will enjoy online registration fee. All registered full papers will be published as scheduled.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Biomaterials
- Building materials
- Carbon based materials
- Ceramic
- Composites
- Earthquake materials and design
- Environmental friendly materials
- High strength alloys
- Intelligent materials systems
- Iron and steel
- Materials processing and handling
- Metallurgical science
- Metallurgical fundamentals and techniques
- Micro/Nano materials
- New functional materials
- New energy materials
- Non ferrous metal material
- Optical, Electronic, Magnetic materials
- Polymeric materials
- Processing technology for functional materials
- Smart and intelligent materials
- Thin films Mechanical behavior and fracture
- Tool testing and evaluation of materials
Submission Guidelines
ICFM 2021 solicits papers in the following three categories:
- Long papers: technical papers reporting original research or survey papers
- Short papers: papers reporting promising work-in-progress, system descriptions, position papers on controversial issues, or survey papers providing a synthesis of some current research trends
- Extended abstracts of recently published work in a relevant journal or top-tier conference
Full paper (template), Abstract (template)
Regular research papers should be at most 10 pages (including references, figures, and tables). Short papers should be between 6 and 8 pages. Extended abstracts should be at most 2 pages and should reference the originally published work.
Submissions will be blind reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality, relevance to scope of the conference, originality, significance, and clarity.
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in online submission system. For any questions, please contact with icfm@academic.net.
Accepted papers will be included into conference proceedings, which will be indexed.
Special Issue

Special issue: Journal Materials (ISSN 1996-1944)
Current Impact Factor: 3.057
5-year Impact Factor: 3.424
JCR category rank: 132/314 (Q2) in 'Materials Science, Multidisciplinary'
For online and index information: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials
Accepted and registered papers of ICFM 2021 with extension can be recommend to publish in Journal Materials.
Key Dates
- Manuscripts submission deadline: March 30, 2021
- Acceptance/Rejection Notification: April 20, 2021
- Registration Deadline: May 10, 2021
- Conference dates: June 17 - 21, 2021
More Information
Email: icfm@academic.net
Co-organized by
Supported by